Most branded computers today have become highly un affordable including their parts such as memories, mother boards,and others so if you are thinking of purchasing a new computer system. Consider gathering wholesale computer parts.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
English Grammar and Writing Software - Latest Review
English Grammar and Writing Software is an advanced technology that takes word processing one step ahead. Writing is being used daily by most of us for a wide range of assignments - finding new jobs, writing personal or business Emails, writing essays and articles etc. The following article will show you how you can easily transform your English writing accurate, rich and professional.
English Grammar & Writing Software automatically checks and corrects given text for any spelling or grammatical errors to ensure that our writing becomes correct and impressive. How does it work? Well, basically it compares your words, phrases and sentences to their 'correct' versions based on a sophisticated algorithm. Sophisticated language processing solutions usually offer the following: proofreading content for correct grammar, punctuation and spelling.
Quick benefits and advantages
This technology quickly brings immediate clear benefits:
* Helping us to avoid embarrassing grammar mistakes.
* Improving our word choices with synonyms, adjectives, and adverbs suited to our text.
* Providing extra capabilities which do not exist in conventional word processors.
If we examine it closer we would probably find additional benefits that aren't mentioned here, as this unique system is constantly moving forward, bringing us new improvements that help us on improving our Grammar writing and proofreading skills.
Final words
English Grammar and Writing Software technology can help us correct and polish most of our daily writing assignments - Emails, documents, job applications, and more. No Natural Language Processing technology can get that perfect, but it can definitely help us cover most of our common writing errors. Undoubtedly we can expect this advanced tool to further develop itself, for a single reason: writing is among the most significant tools that help us with many of our day-to-day assignments, whether at home, at school, or in the office.
By Gil Lavitov
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
How to Let Your Slow Computer Run Fast
A computer would generate a great number of junk files that may slow it down over time. Then we need to check our computer and do some work to let it "lose its weight" from time to time.
First, release disk space.
You can release spare disk space by using the Windows built-in disk cleanup to selectively or totally clean the targeted junks including temp Internet files, download files (Microsoft's Actives controls and Java applets scripts), Windows temporary files, unused and optional Windows components, left-off installer as well as emptying the Recycle Bin.
Here are the instructions:
Step 1 Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Disk cleanup, and then select the drive you want to clean up, click OK.
Step 2 Select the options and then the files you want to clean up in the dialog box.
Step 3 Click OK and Yes to confirm these actions.
A few minutes later, when the cleanup is over, you will find your computer system has been improved obviously.
Second, disk fragmentation
Disk fragments would affect the system performance. Too many file fragments would tamper with the computer read-write on the hard disk as well as extend the disk's time of document retrievals and read-write. However, frequent disk fragmentation would bring certain wear and tear to the disk. Generally we recommend to fragment your disk in the following conditions:
1. When you create a mass of files.
2. When you free over 15% disk space.
3. When you install some new programs or a new Windows system.
Specific steps are as bellows:
Step 1 Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Disk Fragmentation.
Step 2 Select the drive you want to tidy up in the Disk Fragmentation dialog box, and click Analyze.
Step 3 Click View Report to read the Analyze Report, if the information suggests that you should fragment this volume, select fragment.
Step 4 When the Fragmentation is complete, you can choose View Report to see the result, and then click Close to finish the checking.
Step 5 Exist the Disk Fragmentation dialog box.
Third, error checking and recovery of bad sectors
Running your error detection program can help you find whether the stored files are missing and then improve your computer performance. If you frequently use your computer, we recommend you should run Error-checking once a week so to avoid data loss.
Prior to running the Error-checking, you should close all running files.
Step 1 Open My Computer, choose the drive you want to detect and right-click it, select Properties.
Step 2 In the Properties sheet select Tools.
Step 3 Select Check Now in the Error-checking section.
Step 4 Choose Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors in the Check Disk box and then click Start.
Step 5 Select OK when the disk check is complete.
By Molly Smith
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Twitter translates into Spanish

Twitter translates into Spanish
It's the first of multiple volunteer-assisted translations for the microblogging site, the post explained. A look at Twitter's public timeline will show that it's used in many languages across the world, but until this point, the site has been English only. Now, users can go into their settings to translate it into Spanish.
This could be key as Twitter attempts to grow bigger overseas amid allegations that its traffic has plateaued. Facebook, for example, saw significant growth overseas when it started launching user-translated versions of its site.
read more
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The Latest GPS Navigation Systems Are Equipped With Numerous Facilities Like 3-D Maps, Traffic Alert

Whether you want to visit your favorite deli or take a nice peaceful trip outside the city, your GPS navigator can effectively help you reach your destination faster without needing to sit in traffic for hours. Car GPS navigation systems can help you with maps, turn-by-turn directions and that's not all, it can also guide you towards multiple points of interest.
The latest GPS navigation systems are equipped with numerous facilities like 3-D maps, traffic alerts, easy touch screen, hands free calling etc. Some models also offer FM transmitters; this makes it easier for you to hear alerts and prompts through your own car stereo. Many navigators come equipped with theft prevention features, Bluetooth, and a couple of other helpful features to aid the driver.
There are many vehicles on the market that come equipped with a GPS navigator, however if your car does not come with a GPS navigator, you can consider buying a separate portable unit for yourself. This portable unit can be mounted on the dashboard or windshield of your car.
Here below are some of the features that you should look for when buying a GPS navigation system:
1. Accurate navigation is the most important feature that your GPS should offer; also, it is advisable to go for a navigator that recalculates routes fast.
2. A GPS screen should be easy to touch as well as read. Also, the displays on your navigator should be very clear and sharp. Preferably, pick a model that can be viewed in different lighting conditions, including daylight.
3. Voice command is offered by a few models, this can be helpful as it allows the driver to operate certain functions solely with voice.
4. If you like to do exploring on foot often, it is wiser to consider a lightweight GPS navigator. Although in most cases the cheaper models tend to be lighter, there are a few premium units that are lightweight and easy to carry.
5. Invest in a GPS navigation system that comes equipped with street-level mapping, updating your mapping software can be done for no extra cost.
6. Aside from the basic features of preloaded maps and driving directions, also look for features like Bluetooth and text-to-speech capability.
7. Additional features to look for would be real-time traffic support, FM transmitters and some new models offer MP3 playback for music on the go.
8. Make sure that the GPS has a long battery life, the longer the better. Although, a GPS unit offering a long battery life can be expensive, it will be worth every penny you spend.
9. Before making a decision make sure that the features the unit offers are in perfect working condition, for example it is very important for the pronunciation and sound of the device to be clear otherwise you would end up looking at the unit more often than the road.
Car GPS navigation systems can make car travel easy and hassle free. You no longer need to crack your brains on deciphering complicated directions and maps; you GPS navigator can help you get to your destination safe and sound.
There are many companies offering top-of-the-line products like TomTom, Magellan, Garmin and many more. With so many options, why not go ahead and choose one that suits your driving needs the best to make traveling easier and so much better.
by Des Smalls
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Need For Speed Shift - The Pros and Cons

It is true that game graphics presentation calls the attention of gamers. The recent Need for Speed: Shift has brought changes that are featured with amazing graphics, besides the already astonishing graphics of cars, its tracks and lightning effects. The general review is that though the sound is great, a change in the car sound is expected, especially in shift as it sounds too sporty. Also the game has missed remembering the user preferred driving view and this will hamper the gamer as they will find difficult in reaching the top. As a result, the game starts in default driving view and if another view is preferred, this one has to be changed manually in each race which may become annoying.
Need for Speed: Shift has changed considerably in moving things in the game. The tuning has been removed, besides the street circuits, city driving scheme and police chases. The game can be progressed by completing the top 3 challenges and this is followed by one versus one race that involves you with high profile drivers. Winning such races is thrilling as you, the player is given the car used by the other driver, and accomplishing this challenge allows the player to go ahead to the subsequent level of competition. These levels of competition circle continue until the player reaches the ladder top literally and owns all the cars worth owning. This offers a clean way of striving the way up and is very well enjoyed by the players.
The game Need for Speed was owing to the release of successful gaming franchises, and also as it was the forerunner it was paid heavy dividends, besides receiving reviews flowing with tremendous optimistic feedback. Need for Shift known as NFS launched it over iPhone in May 2009 and had a seamless transition, because the game displayed no ill effects even in handheld form, and was regarded to be the wonderful racing games that was available for downloading. Electronic Arts is a Goliath in the gaming industry and is successful from the beginning. However, the current branch is developing the NFS and is releasing every year a new series and this is continuing for the past many years. EA is certain to release the mobile version of NFS and all the future releases as well.
Need for Shift faced certain problems such as the boss fights which gave a feeling of street races. Similarly, another problem is regarding the way this game puts the characteristics that is similar to a driver earning points on every drifting corner. In this manner, the game defines the driver as a clean, careless or aggressive racer, but the quickest way is drifting the corners. In case, the drifting seems to be challenging as you can make use of the handbrake. However, the way that defines the player as a driver is devious here, but as this is a racing game, driving becomes very important and luckily this game is simple to drive.
The steering is accurate and the controls on the PSP game console function perfectly, yet the overall system may be disliked mainly because to get around the corner in a fastest way using the handbrake becomes inevitable. Another very significant point is that the boost button is once again featured in need for speed: shift and this button make the car to go fast for nearly 7 seconds. However, many may find it to be unrealistic and consider it an arcade, but if you like it you might as well enjoy it.
by Roberto Sedycias
Friday, September 18, 2009
Are Solid-State Hard Drives (SSD) In Your Future?

In our computer dependent world, we are always on the lookout for the next "big thing". Often times it has been a new microprocessor from Intel or AMD. However, in recent years, the microprocessor is often not the limiting factor with computer performance.
While hard-drive memory capacities have increased significantly in recent years, the access speed has remained relatively constant. It's an issue/problem fundamental to the technology. The hard-drive is mechanical, and efforts to improve speed have been receiving diminishing returns.
A technology that is competing with the conventional hard-drive (HDD) is the solid-state drive (SSD). An SSD is not mechanical, it is based on "flash memory", the same computer chip technology used to store pictures with your digital camera. An SSD drive was a novelty only 3 years ago, but no longer.
An SSD can outperform conventional mechanical hard drives because it is 4X smaller and lighter, is up to 50X faster, is more reliable because there are no moving parts, produces less heat, and uses less power. SSD drive memory capacity has improved and 250 gigabyte SSD drives are now available. Currently, the drawback is price.
SSD Drives are still more expensive than conventional HDD. An SSD Drive now costs about $2 per gigabyte while a HDD drive costs less than $1 per gigabyte. The price of an SSD continues to improve (SSD drives once sold for more than $25 per gigabyte), and with manufacturing volumes anticipated, the price difference should be further reduced.
Flash memory is capable of a finite number of rewrites to each memory cell (as are conventional hard drives). Significant improvements in the technology have been made in recent years. In addition, Intel developed "load leveling". This technique ensures that all of the memory cells on the SSD receive a similar workload. Most SSD manufacturers now utilize comparable techniques. An SSD should last 10 years or more for the average user.
The primary reason for the rosy future of SSD is access speed. A fast conventional HDD has access times equal to about 5 milliseconds. It sounds fast, but when the microprocessor is capable of millions of instructions per second (MIPS), 5 milliseconds is a bottleneck. SSD can have as little as 100 microsecond access time (50X faster).
An important issue when trying to utilize this SSD speed capability is the potential bottleneck caused by the interface. There are 3 common interfaces used today with SSD drives.
The SATA interface is currently the most common interface used for conventional HDD, but a SATA interface has been limited in total throughput, both send and receive, to about 3 Gbps. This can be too slow for SSD, causing performance disruptions. Some SSD drives are capable of over 5 Gbps throughput.
Seagate Technology, in conjunction with AMD, recently announced the Serial ATA 6-Gbps storage interface, also called SATA Revision 3.0, a next-generation technology that is capable of twice the speed of the fastest SATA interface available today. This technology was demonstrated for conventional hard drives, but has obvious application to the SSD market.
SAS (Serial Attached SCSI) is another interface alternative. SAS is a point-to-point technology with at least four channels. Each channel is capable of throughput of 3 Gbps in each direction (a total of 6 Gbps per channel).
A third alternative is to implement the SSD with a PCI Express interface. A PCI Express interface has unidirectional data paths, one send and one receive, each at 2.5 Gbps for a throughput of 5 Gbps.
It is possible to maximize the performance advantage of the SSD technology with careful selection of the appropriate interface.
Sun Microsystems Endorses SSD
Sun Microsystems, a leading maker of engineering workstations (very high performance computers), is predictably committing strongly to SSD technology. Sun can be seen as a bellwether for the PC industry. If Sun endorses the technology at the current price, as the prices reduce, the technology would logically be utilized by the mainstream PC user. This pattern of adoption has been seen for other new technologies.
Sun has said it is adding SSD technology to its systems to increase their performance for I/O intensive applications. Late last year, Sun introduced SSD in its Amber Road product line. Amber Road is Sun's new line of data storage system. The Amber Road products are selling exceptionally well.
Raymond Austin, group manager for senior product management at Sun said:
SSD technology helps customers achieve up to 65 times faster response times, up to eight times better throughput and up to 38 percent less power consumption than servers with traditional spinning hard disk drives.
An SSD drive will be more tolerant for harsh operating environments and will be more reliable. Computers utilizing SSD drives will experience faster application load times and better overall performance. An SSD drive can emulate a traditional mechanical hard disk drive (HDD). This makes replacing the traditional HDD for an SSD in your current system less complicated. A SSD is probably in your future, the only question is when.
Are Solid-State Hard Drives (SSD) In Your Future?
by Brian_Bradshaw
Web Ranking Software
A huge majority of visitor traffic to any website originates from search engines and such a source of traffic cannot be ignored. However, simply submitting a website to search engines is usually not enough. Research on users' preferences indicates that 75 per cent of the visitors are satisfied with the first 10-15 search results. Only 20 per cent view search results on the second page of search results and less than 5 per cent reach the third and further pages of search results. Hence, it is very important that a website is among the first few search results on important search engines.
Figuring out web site rankings manually for different sets of keywords can be a time consuming task. Using web ranking software automates the process and helps save a phenomenal amount of time. Another advantage of ranking software is that each time a search engine modifies its search algorithms, the research center of the web ranking software provider modifies the software accordingly. Updates to web ranking software get automatically downloaded on the computers of all the customers.
Several websites also provide free tools that allow you to check your website rankings online. One of the most popular websites is It provides your website rankings on Google for the keywords that you enter.
Web ranking software plays an important role by saving you time and resources in determining search rankings and it's highly advisable to use this software to obtain good search engine rankings.
Web Ranking Software
by Kent_Pinkerton
Sunday, May 3, 2009
5 Tips to Speed Up Your Computer Performance
Are you fed up with your slow running computer? If yes, then bear in mind that there are numerous things you can practice to improve your current lagging PC, below are 5 tips that I am giving you to speed up your machine performance.
Here are five tips to gear up a slow PC:
1. Delete any program that you no longer use: a lot of people download and install tons of software but never use them. By doing this you are only consuming and wiping out expensive Ram resources. Through erasing them you will increase information processing system speed.
2. Free up hard disc space: you should get rid of the entire worthless data cluttering your hard drive. Erase your online temporary files and cookies and empty your recycle bin as frequently as you are able to.
3. Execute a disk defragmentation: run a defragmentation at least once a calendar month either manually or to preserve a soundly central processing unit.
4. Keep off executing too many programs simultaneously because you will be get overload the system.
5. Execute a Windows Registry clean up: virtually all the computer troubles are associated with corrupted registry files. The registry is a database that stores files and entries and sooner or later it will gets too big and this will result in a computer slows down. To repair this you'll require a registry cleaner software.
Whenever your PC freezes and you keep getting the blue screen of death (BSOD), then the problem is likely with the registry. Finding a trustworthy software that will abolish unnecessary programs and repair computer errors automatically, can accelerate your lazy PC and economise you a lot work.
Smit Chacha is a computer expert with over 8 years in the industry. He has an intimate knowledge of the windows registry and various register repair software.
by Smit Chacha
Friday, May 1, 2009
PowerDVD 9 Offers the Best Way to Watch DVD in HD

PowerDVD 9 Offers the Best Way to Watch DVD in HD
Many Videophiles want the best DVD playback experience as possible on their PC's. This is done by upconverting a standard DVD format into a HD format such as 1080p. High definition DVD is the next logical step of the current DVD format 720p. Because of new codecs and software it is possible to upconvert standard DVD 720 into 1080p.
In other words, high definition DVD's aim is to provide 1080 lines of video resolution, compared to the 576/480 lines presently offered by the actual DVDs.
Now why would you want to watch a DVD in HD form? For the same purposes why you prefer DVDs over the old video tapes. For starters the picture is sharper, crisper, for a more realistic experience. For me anything that can enhance picture and audio quality is a major plus. PowerDVD 9 is by far the best way for this experience on a PC.
Keep in mind that HD discs (Blu-Ray) will be the format of choice a few years from now. But what will be the destiny of the present DVDs? It does not mean that you need to replace your entire DVD collection. Certain standalone DVD players and PowerDVD 9 for the PC offer the best upconverting picture quality possible for standard DVD's. This feature will later be used for all high definition DVD players. Although this upscaling operation will not provide the same 'unforgettable experience' as high definition movies, it will allow the existing DVDs to be shown in their best possible way, without losing any resolution.
In conclusion, high definition DVDs represent the future of home video display. Be sure to use PowerDVD 9.
by Rob Boirun
Computer Parts

Before you purchase any computer parts, whether you are building your own computer or fix the one you have, be sure that you know what you are purchasing. You need to do some research in order to make the right choices in selecting the correct computer parts, installing them correctly, properly maintaining them, connecting peripherals and troubleshooting when necessary. Be sure to inspect all parts you buy before installing them into your computer; a faulty part can damage the system in its entirety.
If you are building your own computer, you will need the following parts:
* Computer Case - Function
* Computer Case - Selecting
* Power Supply
* Processor(CPU) along with the Heatsink/Fan
* Motherboard
* Hard Drive
* Memory
* Keyboard and Mouse
* CD Drive
* Floppy drive
* PCI Cards
* USB Port
* Monitor
* Operating System
* IDE Cables
* Graphics Card/Video Card
* Sound Card/Audio Card
* Modem
You will probably also want to purchase a good security software program. It is important to protect your computer from viruses and hackers. And, you should also be prepared with a UPS backup system in case you lose power. Internet security software includes: Antivirus software, firewall, surge suppressor or UPS backup and a computer Internet security.
There are also accessories that you can add to make your computer fun to use. These include speakers, headphones, DVD drives, scanners, digital cameras and Webcam. There are many online computer stores who have excellent quality systems and computer parts at great prices.
by Ken Marlborough
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
PowerDVD 9

PowerDVD 9
The No.1 Movie Experience on the PC
PowerDVD 9 DVD player software offers the best HD and Blu-ray software playback around! Use TrueTheater™ to up DVD quality for viewing on an HD display. Navigate easily using your DVD playback software with Fancy View, flipping through your movie titles and previewing content. There are plenty of other useful interactive features for die-hard movie fans and the casual viewer alike. PowerDVD 9 DVD player software is truly the way HD and Blu-ray software were meant to be enjoyed!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Computer Firewalls
A firewall is a computer software that provides protection from hacking attempts from the Internet. It is very important to install a suitable firewall software to protect the computer from spyware and virus infections. A large number of security companies have developed firewall software. Some of these software are free for personal use.
A firewall software is basically a "packet sniffer". Data that gets transferred via the Internet moves in the form of packets. The firewall software intercepts these packets, analyzes its contents and determines if it is harmful to the computer. If the packet contains malicious content, the firewall blocks it from accessing code on the computer, thus preventing damage to the computer.
Most spyware, malware and virus programs can be prevented by installing a suitable firewall. Firewalls can also prevent software from accessing the Internet and transmitting information without the user's knowledge. Thus even if a virus program gets installed on the computer, it still won't be able to access the Internet and transmit sensitive information like credit card numbers, etc.
The latest version of Microsoft Windows i.e. Windows Vista has an inbuilt firewall in it. This means if you are using Vista, you don't have to download and install additional firewall software. However, if you still want to install a third party firewall, you can do that for added protection.
For maximum protection, it is advisable to invest in an "Internet Security Suite". This is a software bundle that combines a virus scanner, email scanner, spyware protection and a firewall. By installing such software, you can get complete protection from all sorts of malware programs that spread via the Internet.
By John BrowningSunday, April 19, 2009
Free Home Computer Security
By Alexandru Kiss
Securing your home computer from the many different threats out there is a big challenge for every computer owner and often the solutions that you may need to use will cost you a good deal of money. Purchasing commercially produced anti-virus software and personal firewalls as well as anti-spyware programs will mean having to spend hundreds of dollars for the product and then spending more to upgrade and update the software each year.
All Is Not Lost
However, all is not lost because you can make use of a number of good security solutions. In these times when virtually every PC is under threat from viruses there are fortunately a few free security anti-virus software available that can be used to protect your system.
Take for instance, Avast Home Edition Free Antivirus that is perhaps your best option in so far as using a free computer security solution goes. This particular computer security software helps to provide your PC with active protection and it is also customizable and will keep your computer and your web browsing as well as emails and fire sharing safe from attack by malicious viruses.
Avira Personal Free Antivirus is another good free security solution and it is also right there with the best though it lacks Avast's full features. Nevertheless, this free security solution will protect your computer from spyware and it can also combat certain viruses as well.
AVG Antivirus Free Edition is another good example of what a free home computer security software can do to protect your computer and this is considered among the best free anti-virus software available. Its interface is very polished and easy to use and this software will protect your PC against both viruses as well as spyware though experts believe that both Avast and Avira have higher detection rates.
These three security software programs are certainly a cut above the rest and they can match any similar antivirus and antispyware software that you would otherwise need to purchase. When you consider how much protection you are getting for free it makes good sense to install at least one of these computer security software on your system to get added protection.
Home security is a very important facet to owning a home. You will need to approach this matter in a very thorough manner to ensure that nothing is left to chance and in addition you need to also ensure that all angles in regard to protecting your home have been covered. Failure to do so will end up costing you dear.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
How to Get Rid of a Computer Virus
Visit your virus-scan software manufacturer's Web site and install any virus updates that are available. Then run the software. The software may not be able to delete the virus, but it may be able to identify it.
Search the Web for information regarding your specific virus by typing the name of the virus or its associated file into a search engine followed by the word "virus." For example, "Melissa virus," "BubbleBoy virus," etc.
Download and install any patches or other programs that will help you eliminate the virus. Or follow any instructions you find on deleting the virus manually.
Run another virus scan to make sure the virus has been dealt with properly.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Buying the Perfect Computer - The FIRST Time
So you’ve finally decided it’s time for a change. No matter
what advice you follow that old work horse of a desktop
computer you have has outlived its usefulness with slow
loading applications and a continuous rise in operation
Searching for that Perfect Computer can be about as much fun
as purchasing a new car and about as frustrating also when
sorting through the various brands while trying to decide
which “bells and whistles” best fit your needs. Besides all
that trying to return something that is so large can be both
inconvenient and very difficult to do. So making the right
decision the FIRST time is the wise path of choice.
For starters you’ll need to decide what you want to do with
your computer. Are you into the video game scene or are you
someone who likes to just surf the internet and occasionally
do some book keeping with simple word processing software?
If you’re into video games you’re going to want a machine
that can handle the high level of graphics and superior
sound quality. On the other hand if you’re not into all
that high adrenalin stuff you can probably get by with a
less expensive system. Although, if you want to stay on the
safe side I would recommend going with something more
“high-end” so you don’t have to spend another large chunk of
change to upgrade the system you just bought.
There are two basic routes you can take when purchasing a
new computer.
1) Purchase a “Brand Name” Computer
2) Purchase a “Clone” Computer
A “BRAND-NAME” computer is one that is manufactured by a
company that is recognizable by name.
Some Advantages/Disadvantages of “Brand-Name” computers
Customer Support- If you are experiencing problems with your
computer you will have the option to contact a
representative of the company that you purchased the PC from
to get help in solving your problem.
Customer support is probably the best reason to buy a
brand-name computer.
Warranty- Having a warranty is always nice since it acts as
a type of security blanket for you.
In case a part on your computer should fail you should be
able to get the item fixed at no charge just as long as the
warranty has not expired.
Read and understand a company’s warranty policy BEFORE you
purchase a computer from them.
This way you’ll have a good understanding of the procedures
to follow in case a problem should arise.
Pre-installed Software- Many companies will include software
packages that are all set up and ready to go for you on your
Although, a disadvantage of buying a brand-name computer
with software pre-installed is that you usually end up with
more than fits your needs and usually just results with the
wasting of space on your storage device.
Additional Support- Most brand-name computer companies are
also able to provide you with web sites that may provide you
with current software updates, user manuals, or basic
troubleshooting help.
The use of Proprietary parts- the term Proprietary refers to
products that are unique to an individual company and that
company only.
So if a part was to malfunction on your computer after
warranty and you needed to replace it you could not just go
to your local computer store and purchase any old part even
if it was intended for the same function as the item that
You would be forced to buy the exact same item that came out
of the computer or else the computer would more than likely
cease to function correctly.
Having to buy proprietary parts usually involves the need to
place an order which means you’ll have to wait for the part
to arrive or you’ll have to send your computer into the
company or an authorized dealer of that company for
People with a home based business would probably not be too
happy with that situation at all.
Integrated/On-board parts- In the computer world when you
hear the word integrated or on-board it means that a
particular part such as the modem or sound port where you
plug in your speakers, is built-in or part of the computer
main board (Also known as the Motherboard).
This means that if any of these items should fail, you can’t
just remove them from the computer and replace them with a
new part. They are usually soldered directly to the main
board and are stuck there.
Although, some computers do provide a way to disable a
malfunctioning device which will allow you to install your
own store bought device to take the place of the broken
From a computer technicians point of view this is not always
easy to do.
It just depends on what brand of computer you currently
have. Meaning some are easier to work on than others.
A “CLONE” computer is a clone or a copy of its brand-name
counterpart with the exception that instead of company
specific or proprietary parts, the items used to make a
clone computer are from several different companies instead
of only one.
Let’s say that if you were to go to a local company that
builds “clone” computers, and you tell them what you need,
chances are they don’t use parts that are specific to only
that type of computer like the brand-name computer companies
This is a good thing because it means that they will
probably use components that are interchangeable with many
different brands and are easy to come by if needed.
Some Advantages/Disadvantages of “Clone” computers include:
Cost- compared to brand-name computers the clone will
generally be easier on your pocket book when purchasing one
with similar features as its brand-name counterpart.
This is most likely due to the money that is saved by not
offering the high-end customer service. Although, that may
not be the only reason for the lower prices.
Easily Accessible Replacement Parts- Since the clone
computer was built with parts that are not any one company
specific, you can buy parts for the clone computer that can
be used even if the brand is different from the one that was
in the computer when you originally bought it.
NOTE: Before you buy any parts, it is necessary to make sure
that the replacement parts are compatible with your
particular computers system requirements.
Either consult the manual that should have came with your
computer or get help from a knowledgeable friend or repair
Warranties- Unless you purchase a service plan you will
typically not have as an attractive warranty as you would
with a brand-name computer company.
Whatever you do just make sure you understand how long the
warranty is for and as to what kind of repairs the warranty
covers before you make the purchase.
Customer Support- With brand-name computer companies you are
usually provided with a 24-hour toll free number that you
can call if you have questions or concerns with your
Clone computers are more than likely not going to have a
24-hour help service, but rather you will be forced to only
be able to call during regular business hours.
Also, it is more than likely that there will not be any one
website that you can go to in order to find out information
concerning troubleshooting questions you may have.
For service it may be necessary to take the computer back to
the store that you bought it at or you may have to do some
research on the individual parts that went into the computer
and visit the manufacturer’s website for troubleshooting
Finally, if all else fails you can certainly take what you
have learned from this article and being that you know what
you need now, but don’t know where to go and get that
“Perfect Computer”, the best resource at your disposal are
the very men and woman that work at your local electronics
It is their duty to help you get hold of that “Perfect
Computer” that best fits your needs. All you need to do is
tell them what you plan on using that computer for and they
should be more than happy to help you from there.
So you’ve finally decided it’s time for a change. No matter
what advice you follow that old work horse of a desktop
computer you have has outlived its usefulness with slow
loading applications and a continuous rise in operation
Searching for that Perfect Computer can be about as much fun
as purchasing a new car and about as frustrating also when
sorting through the various brands while trying to decide
which “bells and whistles” best fit your needs. Besides all
that trying to return something that is so large can be both
inconvenient and very difficult to do. So making the right
decision the FIRST time is the wise path of choice.
For starters you’ll need to decide what you want to do with
your computer. Are you into the video game scene or are you
someone who likes to just surf the internet and occasionally
do some book keeping with simple word processing software?
If you’re into video games you’re going to want a machine
that can handle the high level of graphics and superior
sound quality. On the other hand if you’re not into all
that high adrenalin stuff you can probably get by with a
less expensive system. Although, if you want to stay on the
safe side I would recommend going with something more
“high-end” so you don’t have to spend another large chunk of
change to upgrade the system you just bought.
There are two basic routes you can take when purchasing a
new computer.
1) Purchase a “Brand Name” Computer
2) Purchase a “Clone” Computer
A “BRAND-NAME” computer is one that is manufactured by a
company that is recognizable by name.
Some Advantages/Disadvantages of “Brand-Name” computers
Customer Support- If you are experiencing problems with your
computer you will have the option to contact a
representative of the company that you purchased the PC from
to get help in solving your problem.
Customer support is probably the best reason to buy a
brand-name computer.
Warranty- Having a warranty is always nice since it acts as
a type of security blanket for you.
In case a part on your computer should fail you should be
able to get the item fixed at no charge just as long as the
warranty has not expired.
Read and understand a company’s warranty policy BEFORE you
purchase a computer from them.
This way you’ll have a good understanding of the procedures
to follow in case a problem should arise.
Pre-installed Software- Many companies will include software
packages that are all set up and ready to go for you on your
Although, a disadvantage of buying a brand-name computer
with software pre-installed is that you usually end up with
more than fits your needs and usually just results with the
wasting of space on your storage device.
Additional Support- Most brand-name computer companies are
also able to provide you with web sites that may provide you
with current software updates, user manuals, or basic
troubleshooting help.
The use of Proprietary parts- the term Proprietary refers to
products that are unique to an individual company and that
company only.
So if a part was to malfunction on your computer after
warranty and you needed to replace it you could not just go
to your local computer store and purchase any old part even
if it was intended for the same function as the item that
You would be forced to buy the exact same item that came out
of the computer or else the computer would more than likely
cease to function correctly.
Having to buy proprietary parts usually involves the need to
place an order which means you’ll have to wait for the part
to arrive or you’ll have to send your computer into the
company or an authorized dealer of that company for
People with a home based business would probably not be too
happy with that situation at all.
Integrated/On-board parts- In the computer world when you
hear the word integrated or on-board it means that a
particular part such as the modem or sound port where you
plug in your speakers, is built-in or part of the computer
main board (Also known as the Motherboard).
This means that if any of these items should fail, you can’t
just remove them from the computer and replace them with a
new part. They are usually soldered directly to the main
board and are stuck there.
Although, some computers do provide a way to disable a
malfunctioning device which will allow you to install your
own store bought device to take the place of the broken
From a computer technicians point of view this is not always
easy to do.
It just depends on what brand of computer you currently
have. Meaning some are easier to work on than others.
A “CLONE” computer is a clone or a copy of its brand-name
counterpart with the exception that instead of company
specific or proprietary parts, the items used to make a
clone computer are from several different companies instead
of only one.
Let’s say that if you were to go to a local company that
builds “clone” computers, and you tell them what you need,
chances are they don’t use parts that are specific to only
that type of computer like the brand-name computer companies
This is a good thing because it means that they will
probably use components that are interchangeable with many
different brands and are easy to come by if needed.
Some Advantages/Disadvantages of “Clone” computers include:
Cost- compared to brand-name computers the clone will
generally be easier on your pocket book when purchasing one
with similar features as its brand-name counterpart.
This is most likely due to the money that is saved by not
offering the high-end customer service. Although, that may
not be the only reason for the lower prices.
Easily Accessible Replacement Parts- Since the clone
computer was built with parts that are not any one company
specific, you can buy parts for the clone computer that can
be used even if the brand is different from the one that was
in the computer when you originally bought it.
NOTE: Before you buy any parts, it is necessary to make sure
that the replacement parts are compatible with your
particular computers system requirements.
Either consult the manual that should have came with your
computer or get help from a knowledgeable friend or repair
Warranties- Unless you purchase a service plan you will
typically not have as an attractive warranty as you would
with a brand-name computer company.
Whatever you do just make sure you understand how long the
warranty is for and as to what kind of repairs the warranty
covers before you make the purchase.
Customer Support- With brand-name computer companies you are
usually provided with a 24-hour toll free number that you
can call if you have questions or concerns with your
Clone computers are more than likely not going to have a
24-hour help service, but rather you will be forced to only
be able to call during regular business hours.
Also, it is more than likely that there will not be any one
website that you can go to in order to find out information
concerning troubleshooting questions you may have.
For service it may be necessary to take the computer back to
the store that you bought it at or you may have to do some
research on the individual parts that went into the computer
and visit the manufacturer’s website for troubleshooting
Finally, if all else fails you can certainly take what you
have learned from this article and being that you know what
you need now, but don’t know where to go and get that
“Perfect Computer”, the best resource at your disposal are
the very men and woman that work at your local electronics
It is their duty to help you get hold of that “Perfect
Computer” that best fits your needs. All you need to do is
tell them what you plan on using that computer for and they
should be more than happy to help you from there.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
How to Find Dealers of Wholesale Computer Hardware
With the rise of large, retail electronic stores like Circuit City, Best Buy and others, wholesale dealers of computer hardware have nearly become extinct. Gone are the days when you can drop by your local mom and pop stores and pick up new parts, extra components or upgrades with great service and affordable prices. Now you may have to drive miles and even to another city to find the wholesale dealers of computer hardware that you seek. But the internet has made this task easier, as long as you know where to look.
But an internet search will yield thousands, if not millions of potential results for computer hardware dealers - so how do you know which wholesale dealers of computer hardware are the best, and which ones are just out to make a quick buck? Well, there are a number of ways you can go about doing this.
First of all you'll want to ask your friends, family members, or even co-workers for any suggestions they may have on finding a wholesale PC hardware dealer. With the rising popularity of the World Wide Web, you never know where you'll find that certain site you've been looking for - and you never know who may have personal connections in the business. They may be able to land you an even better deal than one might be able to get otherwise.
If you are a college or high school student, you might want to take some time and talk with those who work in the computer lab or technology department, or even the instructors themselves. Often times they will be able to provide you with some lesser known websites or out-of-the-way local stores that may be a little bit cheaper than the competitors. And don't forget to ask about student discounts, as well - many places offer some type of discount for those currently enrolled in college.
Also, there are many web sites that do all of the shopping and comparisons for you. You simply type in the exact kind of wholesale computer hardware you are looking for and they present you with a list of the top sites and their prices. These sites can usually provide you with user reviews of each wholesale dealer's website (and possibly the product itself). Additionally, these types of websites may also have message boards, where you can talk directly with customers and staff in real time over the internet.
Another thing to take into consideration is the location of your wholesale dealer, and their shipping and handling rates. It may be advantageous to use the internet in order to shop distant wholesale dealers of computer hardware, either in or out of the United States. Just make sure you know exactly what you're paying for beforehand, and always make sure you are buying from a trusted and secure website no matter where they are based.
by wandy pan
Friday, February 13, 2009
China Wholesale - Buy China Wholesale Direct Products
You can use a wholesale company or wholesale dropshipper for your own personal website that you sell products on or you can use them for your auction business. Studies have shown that when people purchase from an auction site that they are not really looking at where the product comes from as much as they are looking at the price. Use this china wholesale company to blow away your competition at the auctions. You will be stunned by how much you can beat their prices by.
When you are an internet seller you open up a new world to yourself. You have more time and more money to do the things that you want to do in your life. Hooking up with a china wholesale company can be your ticket to your dreams. The only main requirement is that you have a computer to use and a realiable Internet connection. This way you can work from home on your computer. With a china wholesale company you will have the opportunity to buy wholesale products such as laptops, home theater systems, plasma tv's, and clothes. The list goes on and on.
What you will receive is a secret list of china wholesale and other wholesale suppliers that have the absolute lowest prices so you can make the highest profit on your sales. When you work with a wholesale company you have to make sure that they are not the middle company. You have to make sure that they have the bottom line prices. This sounds easy to do, but it is very hard unless you know the inside secrets to making money using a wholesale company.
Having access to a wholesale company is priceless when you think about how much you can make in the long run. The key to making money online is to find the lowest possible price and selling it for a price just below your competition. For example I have seen prices on plasma tv's as low as $300. That is about $1000 below retail price! Imagine the profit you can make on selling just one of those tv's. The sky is the limit. Get started as soon as possible with a reliable china wholesale company
China Wholesale - Buy China Wholesale Direct Products
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Why You Should Really Consider Buying Wholesale Computers
However, there are some cases when they don't exactly come down enough for anyone to feel like they can afford them. This makes some people a bit skeptical about prices and its dynamics. If you are someone who feels like buying a new PC, there are a few viable options.
A good option worth considering is buying wholesale computers.
Reason for Wholesale Computers
With some computer parts like audio cards going down to an all time low, they have become considerably affordable.
It is worth considering that manufacturers are there to earn cash, so some prices may still not go low enough for you.
But by buying a wholesale computer, you might get the prices that you are hoping for, especially if you're acquiring them for business and other such purposes.
Bear in mind that buying wholesale means that you are getting it in bulk. Therefore, make sure that you actually have a use for a considerable amount of computers.
Whether you are going to sell them or for any other business purpose, then wholesale should be fine. You can also get wholesale computer parts just in case you are going for specifics.
Supposed Drawbacks
People usually think of wholesale stock as merely ways to get rid of inferior products that have become damaged during the manufacturing process.
While it may be true for a lot of companies, there are the good ones out there that make sure of this not being so. Nowadays, it is a viable solution for those who want to afford a set of computers without having to resort to grinding in the muck of things.
Buying computer part wholesale is no longer out of desperation, but of intelligent choice.
Saving Money
A lot of people who buy wholesale computers for the first time tend to be pleasantly surprised with the prices that they could get once they do have the time and guts to at least inquire.
Since these computer parts don't have to go through much shipping and handling, the prices don't include the taxes and the various fees that go with transport.
You can now get computer parts that are popular in the current market for a lower price and enjoy the same quality as you would with retail-bought products. That is a considerable advantage with wholesale computer parts.
Other Products
You might also want to consider wholesale video games as well since they do come with the same advantages.
If you are a gamer or someone who wishes to retail games, then a wholesale video game should bring you significant returns.
Getting them cheap then selling them at retail prices, or simply just enjoying them may give you a chance to catch up to the hype without having to catch up to your bank account.
It is worth noting that manufacturers sell wholesale due to either surplus or merely having given in to demand.
As long as you choose your sources properly, you can get quality products without having to tear your hair out in regret and frustration.
It is all about the company and its reputation for quality since there are some that you really can't trust in the end. When it comes to wholesale computers, it is you who should reap the rewards.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Buy Branded Computers at Wholesale Prices
If you have are in the market for a new computer, you have probably noticed that most brand name computers today are very expensive. You might also have heard that prices of computer components have fallen drastically. For example, the price of memory boards and processors have hit an all time low because of the many enhancements done in manufacturing processes of electronic manufacturers.
The various ranges of prices for electronic goods such as mother boards and other assorted computer parts have also decreased significantly over the months as a result of these technological advances. Despite these advances, computer manufacturers and computer retailers are in the business to make profits and brand name computers will remain expensive.
Fortunately, anyone can still find a quality computer system without spending a fortune. Simply find a computer dealer who specializes in wholesale computer parts and components. To get the best quality system available and save money, many people are building their own computer using parts purchased from a wholesale distributor. It is a common misconception that components purchased from a wholesale distributor are in some way inferior to the components available in brand name computers and honestly, I used to be one of those people.
Before I learned the truth from an IT Professional, I believed that economical and inferior manufacturers used wholesale distributors to offload their inferior components on unsuspecting customers. My views changed when my computer crashed on me and I sought out a repair technician at a local authorized dealer. The best quote I was able to find still seemed exorbitant and definitely did not fit into my tight budget. I was in a desperate situation without my computer, so I swallowed my pride and opened up the yellow pages and found a local wholesale distributor who specializes in computer parts. Against my better judgment, and because funds were very low, I packed up my computer and made the trip across town.
Imagine my surprise when I arrived to find that this shop wasn't just a wholesale computer parts distributor, he actually had his own repair service and I didn't have to make an appointment for 2 weeks later. He quickly diagnosed my problem and gave me a repair quote that was a fraction of what the authorized and retail dealer had given me. Naturally, I was suspicious of the significant price difference, so as I considered his offer, I cautiously surveyed the computer parts on display. The technician sensed my hesitation, so to ease my mind and make my decision easier, he cracked open my computer. After clearing away the dust and cobwebs, he showed me that the replacement parts on his shelf were exactly the same as the parts the manufacturer used to build my computer. He then went on to explain how the wholesale and wholesaler computer parts business worked.
He patiently and throughly explained that as a general rule, computer parts manufacturers make more parts than ordered by a brand name computer manufacturer. This is a built in quality control feature to ensure that a sudden increase in demand or a quality issue can be handled and processed very quickly and efficiently. After the order is filled and the excess parts are no longer needed, they are sold to wholesale distributors at deep discounts. The wholesale distributors then pass the discounts on these perfectly good computer parts to users like you and me.
So instead of shaking your head at the high process of brand name computers in your local superstore, take a look through your phone book, or favorite search engine, and find a quality wholesale distributor that specializes in computer parts. You'll save money and get exactly what you want in your new computer at a fraction of the cost. You may not even have to replace your old computer; the dealer can show you how to save more money by upgrading your old beat up computer system.
by garcia smith
Buy Branded Computers at Wholesale Prices
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Get Into the Distribution of Computer Parts Business
Becoming a wholesale distributor for computer parts is a good idea now because people are realizing that customizing their PCs is cheaper than getting those big brand computers. Hence, there is a growing demand for computer parts.
The Advantages of the Business
Wholesalers and retailers are in business to provide a growing number of computer users who want different computer parts. This has led to the rise of e-commerce wholesale business and home business dabbling in the sales of computer parts.
The advantages of an online wholesale business are many:
• First, you do not need a million dollars to start the business.
• You don't need a large warehouse to stock your stuff
• You can offer different computer parts from different manufacturers
• You can attract customers with discount offers
• You offer convenience in your online one-stop computer shop
• You can target a global market without extra cost
Customers prefer to buy from a wholesale distributor for computer parts because they can get things cheaper and they can compare brands. You can get this edge if you are also one of the dropship wholesalers.
What You Need to Start the Wholesale Business
Business is business. Anybody who goes into a business must have a working knowledge of the items being sold and have a market for the product. With computers, you are going to get a big share of the market as the Internet and computers won't go out of style. The following tips can boost your plans to start a wholesale distributor for computer parts business:
• Make a survey of the computer parts market before you carve a niche from this competitive field.
• Get the suppliers in the locality if available so you can view their stocks first hand and determine if these people are credible.
• Get a good website designer for your online business
• Get a truck for dropshipping orders. You don't have to rent trucks for bulk deliveries, which can be expensive.
• Stay updated on computer technology to keep abreast with the latest computer products and computer parts.
• Common sense to make the right decisions.
When business is already running, develop a base of satisfied customers who will always be willing to do business with you. Once you have netted a devoted following, your business is sure to stay around.
If you want to be a wholesale distributor for computer parts, start networking with suppliers and check the Internet for credible suppliers and validate the company's credentials in the Better Business Bureau.
Discover where you can get deep wholesale discounts from the best and most reliable dropship wholesalers.
by dennis william
Get Into the Distribution of Computer Parts Business
Friday, January 30, 2009
Introduction to Computer Hardware - Learning Computers
Overseas computer wholesale hardware vendors can be found on business to business web portals like or for trade. Selecting vendors and ordering computer parts across the world as far as China or Taiwan was never easier as it is now.
This has not only helped in reducing the cost of components, but it also has given an opportunity of a level playing field to mid sized computer wholesale hardware vendors in a market that was dominated by large players.
The vendors importing computer hardware in large quantities either sub-distribute the stock to various local retail vendors or sell directly to the customer. This cost benefit is either passed on to domestic customers in this cut throat competitive field or enables them to make a decent profit.
If you are a consumer, you can find domestic computer wholesale hardware vendors advertised in computer magazines or listed in directories on the Internet. If you plan to order computer hardware from a wholesale vendor to avail cost benefit, keep the following points in mind.
1. Always check what kind of replacement or repair warranty they have.
2. In case of a part failure, will they be sending an advance replacement as a standby?
3. Do not forget to add shipping and handling charges to the total cost, before jumping to order just by reading the low price of a product.
4. Most vendors have a separate address for handling faulty parts. Ask for their service address before you place the order.
5. Keep the invoices, at least, until the warranty period of the components is over.
6. Some times there are promotional schemes or discounts if you buy in more quantity. Take advantage of it if you have a few friends looking for computer parts.
7. Guard yourself against fraudulent deals. Be sure that the vendor you are dealing with is genuine. If the price sounds too good to be true, make sure to double check before ordering.
8. Once the computer parts arrive, you will have to install it yourself. If you are not confident ask a friend who knows how to do it or avail the services of a computer professional.
In short, finding wholesale vendors of computer hardware is not hard to do, but to find one that is honest and provides warranties on the items is the main goal. If they are offering you a 'few bucks' for something that is high quality and cannot be sold at that price without making a profit, then do not buy from them. As I said before, if the price is too good to be true, then do not buy it - for you might end up with a product that is far below what you expected.
by Wendy Pan
Introduction to Computer Hardware - Learning Computers
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Getting Good Deals
The prices of mother boards and other assorted computer parts have also decreased significantly. Well, you have to remember that the branded computer manufacturers are in the business to make their own profits. That is why good computers remain expensive despite the reduction that we have been witnessing.
Fortunately, you can still avail yourself of a good computer system these days. You can do this by sourcing your computer from dealers who specialize in wholesale computer parts. A lot of people are sourcing out and building their own computer through wholesale computer parts. However, some folks think that these parts are in some way inferior to the parts available in branded computers. To be honest, I used to be one of those people.
In the past, I believed that cheap and inefficient computer parts manufacturers use wholesale computer parts to offload their inferior stock on unsuspecting customers. However, my views about this issue changed when my computer broke down. I got a quote that was very high when I took it to the authorized dealer. I had no choice but to go to a local wholesale computer parts dealer because my funds are low and I desperately need to have my computer fixed.
I was amazed when I saw that this wholesale computer parts dealer has his own repair service. The repair quote I got was a fraction of what the authorized dealer had given me after they opened up my computer and diagnosed the problem. Naturally, I was curious as to what had created the difference, so I suspiciously eyed the wholesale computer parts on display. The dealer sensed that I was suspicious so he opened up my computer to show me that the replacement parts were the same with what my existing computer had. He willingly explained the wholesale computer parts business to me when I asked him how this was possible.
He patiently explained that computer parts manufacturers usually manufacture more parts than required by an order from a branded computer manufacturer. This is an in-built quality control feature that ensures that a sudden spurt in demand or a quality crisis can be handled quickly and efficiently. When the order is processed without incident, the excess parts are then offloaded to dealers for a huge discount. These equally good computer parts are then sold for a discount to users like you and me.
Morgan Hamilton
Getting Good Deals